Tupac amaru segundo biografia corta

Tupac amaru ii was born jose gabriel condorcanqui noguera between march 8 and 24, 1738 in surimana, tungasuca, in the province of cusco, to miguel condorcanqui usquionsa tupac amaru, kuraka of three towns in the tinta district, and maria rosa noguera. Tupac amaru ii, jose gabriel condorcanqui, biografia corta. Su nombre completo es mateo garca pumacahua chihuantito. En esta biografia corta descubre a jose gabriel condorcanqui noguera, tambien llamado como jose gabriel tupac amaru ii. Sus padres fueron miguel condorcanqui y doa rosa noguera. Tupac amaru ii, peruvian indian revolutionary, a descendant of the last inca ruler, tupac amaru, with whom he was identified when he led the. Tupac amaru ii was a cacique hereditary chief in the tinta region of southern peru. On may 1, tupac amaru ii was baptized by santiago jose lopez in a church in tungasuca. Jose gabriel condorcanqui o tupac amaru ii historia del peru. Tupac amaru ii, jose gabriel condorcanqui, biografia corta, animada. Nacio en harlem del este, nueva york, estados unidos. Tupac amaru ii, peruvian indian revolutionary, a descendant of the last inca ruler, tupac amaru, with whom he was identified when he led the peruvian peasants in an unsuccessful rebellion against spanish rule.

School number 239 in poland, located in warsaw, zlota 72, had been named in honor of tupac amaru, but closed in 2001. Nasceu em 1738, em cuzco, e foi assassinado em 1781, apos o fracasso na insurreicao contra os espanhois. Tupac amaru iis rebellion was sparked when he condorcanqui captured and killed the spanish corregidor antonio arriaga in november 1780. Nunca antes una revolucion fue aplastada con aquellos.

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